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Introduction: Why Diversity in Fashion Matters

keywords: diversity, body type diversity, acceptance, diversity in the fashion industry
Fashion is a form of art. It is a canvas for creativity, expression and self-expression. Fashion is also one of the most powerful tools for change.
The fashion industry has always been criticized for its lack of diversity and inclusion. The industry does not represent enough people who are different than the stereotypical Western European model with a slim body type. This lack of diversity has led to an acceptance problem in the industry, where some designers have been accused of using their power to discriminate against certain people or bodies because they don’t fit into their idea of beauty or perfection., or just because they can. This is why it’s so important for designers to be aware of how their designs might affect other groups to have the courage and ability to change, adapt and grow.

The Difference Between Diversity and Acceptance

keywords: fashion industry, accepting diversity

Diversity is a hot topic in America today, but it is not the same thing as acceptance. Acceptance is a process of understanding and embracing differences, which are inevitable and necessary to life. When you’re able to accept someone as they are, you can see them for who they truly are—a unique individual with their own story to tell. Diversity is the state of being different in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or any other distinguishing characteristic. The fashion industry has always been a bastion for diversity and acceptance. .”Women in fashion are paid less than men and have little to no representation in the industry” This is true but it’s not just the fashion industry, it happens across all industries. Women make up about 47% of the work force and are still paid an average of 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. So much more can be done to remedy this inequality which I believe will happen over time. “Fashion industry statistics” The fashion industry is a $2.2 trillion-dollar global industry that employs over 24 million people worldwide. The average annual salary for a fashion designer in the United States is $60,000. Fashion designers also enjoy many job perks including health benefits and vacation time. - Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/104563/fashion-industry-statistics/. PBW is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. This can be caused by many things, but it’s typically seen as a woman’s fault due to their own body not responding how they want it to. There are a lot of things that can cause it, but most commonly your ovaries and fallopian tubes. It’s a pretty common condition, but women don’t talk about it because they don’t want people to know that they have it.- Source:  https://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/guide/pregnancy-brain-windedness#2A

Why Should We Care About Body Type Diversity?

keywords: body type diversity, models

Body type diversity is a term used for a variety of body shapes and sizes in the media. It is also about the representation of different body shapes and sizes in fashion and advertising. It is important because it provides people with different body types with the opportunity to see themselves represented in the media. The term was coined from a workshop with 9 girls aged 11–14. To use the given names of the girls, we can say that this is an anecdotal study. There is no way to know what body size each girl was in as they were not measured during this session. However, they were all able to grab onto a piece of string and compare their height against it. These girls ranged in height from 5’2” to 5’9”. One of the girls in the study said, “When I look at a woman, I see her clothing and how she looks. When I do that, it’s harder for me to really know about her size.” The girls began to share their thoughts on what they think helps them know if a woman is larger or smaller than them. They came up with three main ideas: clothes sizes from magazines and stores, body shape (arms, hips), and the number of hair strands on the head. Another girl shared her thoughts on how she thinks she knows if a woman is larger or smaller than her. She mentioned that she always has to do a girls’ day out with friends, and they all have to wear the same size clothes in order to compare sizes and figure out who is bigger than who. Her friends would try on something like a dress, and then take it off, leaving the tag still hanging down. Then, each girl would take turns trying on different sizes until they were all wearing the same size again. 

How Can We Increase Body Type Diversity in The Fashion Industry?

keywords: models with different body types, modelling industry

The fashion industry has always been criticized for its lack of diversity. Models with different body types are often overlooked and not given the same opportunities as their slimmer counterparts. Designers and marketing managers have been under pressure to make their models more diverse. The New York Fashion Week just announced a policy to ban models that have a BMI below 18 from the runway. This is an effort to show the industry’s commitment to promoting diversity. In order to promote diversity in modelling, we need more designers who are willing to take risks and showcase models with different body types on the runway. In order to promote diversity in modeling, we need more designers who are willing to take risks and showcase models with different body types on the runway. ,” said designer Sasha Pivovarova.”I am excited to be in the show,” said model Kristin Lawton. “You know, like I said, it’s about time.”

The Future of Fashion Industry - What Will Happen if Things Continue as They Are?

keywords: future fashion industry, future for the modeling industry

There are many factors that will affect the future of fashion and modeling industry. As technology advances, the demand for human models and fashion designers will decrease. The future of the modeling industry is dependent on many factors. As technology advances, demand for human models will decrease and the need for a different kind of model will increase. The rise in artificial intelligence also means that there is a high chance that face recognition software would be able to identify individuals based on their features, which could lead to people not needing to be physically present anymore. Some people are using a website called ModelMayhem as an alternative to utilizing models. This website allows users to find models on the internet, without having to pay for them. Other websites that use this type of model for their site include BoredPanda and My Student Life. In the future, people are likely to see a lot less need for models as they turn towards artificial intelligence. The AI will make the modeling process easier and more efficient by doing work that would have been done by humans in the past. So, models in the future could be like employees who help with administrative tasks, or managers that oversee various projects. Many countries have banned using airbrushing as an alternative to using models due to health risks and ethical concerns. This is because air brushing can cause breakdown of the collagen in the skin, causing premature aging and wrinkles. The practice of airbrushing may have started with makeup artists who are concerned about their age, who would use this technique to cover up any signs of aging but eventually it became a common practice in the modeling world. In 2013, Fashion Model Management released a statement to ban models that underwent extreme photoshopping or airbrushing because “we want them to be who they are. “In addition to Fashion Model Management, many of the major modeling agencies are also banning airbrushing. The use of airbrushing in the modeling world has been criticized by many in the community. A campaign called “Be Real” was started to help raise awareness about how models are photoshopped before they make it into magazines or advertisements. It also seeks to promote “real” models who do not have any signs of editing on them. Be Real has been working with institutions such as The National Eating Disorder Association and the Council on Size and Weight Discrimination